Vagrant Story PSF Set

Missing Songs
204 Joshua 2
Second half of "226a Escape"

Intro Movie (streamed)
229 Staff Roll (streamed)
230 Opening Movie 'Fight Mix' (OST only, not on game CD)
231 Dungeon Robot Mix (OST only, not on game CD)

Zoopd         - ripping
Lawrence Lin  - initial timing and titling
Knurek        - final timing, titling, and volume setting

Notes from Lawrence
A huge thanks to Knurek for undertaking the troublesome 
task of identifiying and timing songs scattered across 
three, four, and even nine different files.

Caitsith2 for starting the psf_rippers
group, as well providing help to a totally
clueless prospective psf ripper.

Audigy for providing her ftp and being
so friendly and enthusiastic.

Lawrence Lin for helping title the set.

Knurek for helping time and title the set.

Neill Corlett for devising the psf format
and writing all of the psf creation tools.

Zoopd -