-= TraXvoX =-

				By Arguru

				email : arguru@dabada.com

				November - 2000


What about commands

note row:

c-0/b-9 - Note trigger (use 8xyz command for chords)
off [1]	- Note release (Only the current active polifonic voice)
all [º]	- Note release (All poliphonic voices in the channel, i.e.: triggered chords)

vol row:

00-40	- Set volume, 00: -inf. db, 40: full channel volume.
Fx	- Note off after x picks.
E0	- VSTI Parameter controller. (See "How to use VST Instruments").
D0/D1	- Forward/Reverse sample playback switcher.

pan row:

00-80	- Panning from L:00, C:40, R:80

cmd row:

01xx	- Pitch glide up
02xx	- Pitch glide down
03xx	- Pitch glide
08xx	- Loop synchro (xx = number of lines to fit loop in)
09xx	- Wave Offset trigger (xx = 00 start, xx = FF end)
0Cxx	- Volume ( xx 00 min - 40 max)
0Dxx	- Position jump ( to line xx )
0Exx	- Retrigger (xx = tick mod)
0Fxx	- Set BPM
19xx	- Random Wave Offset (xx = max range)
1Axx	- Volume slide down
1Bxx	- Volume slide up
20xx	- Filter cutoff
21xx	- Filter Resonance
22xx	- Filter Type
23xx	- Set filter mode (00 -12db, 01 -24db)
2Axx	- Cutoff slide down
2Bxx	- Cutoff slide up
3Axx	- Reso slide down
3Bxx	- Reso slide up
8xyz	- Play chord, 1st note = note row, 2nd note = 1st + x, 3rd = 1st + y, 4th = 1st + z.
D1xx	- Fine volume up
D2xx	- Fine volume down
E1xx	- Finetune up
E2xx	- Finetune down
F0xx	- Set Ticks Per Beat

Keyboard shortcuts


NUMPAD 1	Mute/Unmute current channel
NUMPAD 2	Solo channel
NUMPAD 3	Unmute all channels
SPACE		Stop/Edit toggle

Editing patterns:

zsxdcvgbhnjm	Enter notes, lower octave
q2w3er5t6y7ui	Enter notes, higher octave
SHIFT+UP	Make pattern 1 line smaller
SHIFT+DOWN	Make pattern 1 line bigger
SHIFT+LEFT	Make pattern 1 channel smaller
SHIFT+RIGHT	Make pattern 1 channel bigger
NUMPAD '/'	Shift octave down
NUMPAD '*'	Shift octave up
'.' (DOT)	Remove note
1		Insert 'note off' [off].
º (left to 1)	Insert 'reset all commands' [all].
Insert		Insert a blank line into channel
Delete		Delete a line of the channel
Backslash	Delete a line and go up

SHIFT+F1	Channel note tranpose -1 octave
SHIFT+F2	Channel note tranpose +1 octave
SHIFT+F3	Cut channel
SHIFT+F4	Copy channel
SHIFT+F5	Paste channel
CTRL+F1		Channel note tranpose -1 note
CTRL+F2		Channel note tranpose +1 note
CTRL+F3		Cut pattern
CTRL+F4		Copy pattern
CTRL+F5		Paste pattern

CTRL+B		Mark block start
CTRL+E		Mark block end
CTRL+U		Unmark block
CTRL+X		Cut block
CTRL+C		Copy block
CTRL+V		Paste block
CTRL+Z		Paste block but only effect data.
CTRL+I		Interpolate block first2last line values
CTRL+R		Randomize block first2last line values


CURSOR UP	Go 1 line up
CURSOR DOWN	Go 1 line down
CURSOR LEFT	Go 1 row left
CURSOR RIGHT	Go 1 row right
TAB		Go next channel
SHIFT+TAB	Go previous channel
F5		Go to line 0
F6		Go to line 16
F7		Go to line 32
F8		Go to line 48
F9		Go to line 64
BEGIN		Go to line 0
END		Go to last pattern line
PREVPAGE	Go 16 lines up
NEXTPAGE	Go 16 lines down
NUMPAD '+'	Select next pattern
NUMPAD '-'	Select previous pattern

How to use VST Instruments

1. set up in the misc prefs your VSTi directory. 
2. make sure you got some VSTis. 8) 
3. Restart FF if you had to change folders 
4. turn on VST Mix: VST Mixer - VST Mix 
5. Go to VST manager. 
6. Add VSTi.
7. go to VST Channel Mixer 
8. on bottom there is a pull down menu, select your VSTi 
9. pick the Instrument you want the VST to play through, Click Edit Instrument. click Send events to VST Instrument asigned to the triggered chennel. 
10. your done. any questions?  

E0 VSTi pattern command tweaker

To change any VST Instrument parameter using pattern commands:

1. put E0 in 'volume' row.
2. put parameter index in 'pan' row (Use VST Hoster to see parameter list)
3. use last cmd/val rows to put a value between 0000 (min) and FFFF (max).

C-4 12 E0 04 8000 <--- cutoff at middle.

Obviously, the VSTi affected is the currently asigned to the channel.