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I must have them!" The only pitiful thing is that the mentioned demo is a single 4Mb file, and not composed of single files. Another case is found on the (in)famous only-GUS-demos which in presence of a SoundBlaster (or at least not a Gravis) remain in complete silence or don't run at all! (Complaint #1: every 100 PCs, 90 mount a SB or compatible, only 10 a GUS) How to do, then, to listen the musics of these without ordering a GUS directly from Gravis in Canada? (Complaint #2: in Italy there is only one reseller, not officially authorized, and the final price inc. P+H is near to the official street price in USA) The only solution is to use a "Ripper", a program that searches and extracts files inside other files. But all the rippers I found since, and there are plenty of them, did always the same, they extract only Amiga modules (MOD) , ScreamTracker 3 and a few more. And the pics? And the other types of music files? Using a couple of Hex Editors (First of all the indispensable HIEW 5.50) you can manually extract the files YOU recognize, with lots of tedious tries and bad headaches caused by staring at a screen filled with numbers and random chars. One day , while peeking into the structure of a demo, I found lots of LBMs and 1 MOD. I was going to spend a lot of time ripping them all. It was the time that Multi Ripper came to life!!! TADAAAH ! 8-)№№) ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ў ФФФФЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ ў ФФЭЭ Windows Executable ЭЭФФ ў ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭФФФФ ў ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ Since version 2.0 Multi ripper it's the ONLY ripper that is able to rip, from DOS, the resource of all the WINDOWS EXECUTABLE 8-> All the formats are enables 16 and also 32 bit, like EXE = Executable DLL = Dinamic library VBX = Visual Basic Control SCR = Screen Saver CPL = Control Panel Files DRV = Drivre VXD = Virtual device OCX = 32bit control (ActiveX also !!) ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ў ФФФФЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ ў ФФЭЭ Delphi Decompiler ЭЭФФ ў ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭФФФФ ў ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ From this version MRipper is able to decompile any Delphi Executable. Try to use MRipper to rip a .EXE Delphi. And after ripping try to use Delphi to recompile all !!. ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ў ФФФФЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ Multi Ripper ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭФФФФ ў ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ MRIP requires at least a parameter, the Name of the file to examine. More files can be specified on commandline, and wildcards are allowed. Other options are: /P: destination path, useful in case you wish extract from files on CD-Rom , Network drive, etc. Example: MRIP MYFILE.BIN /P:E:\DOWN (files will be generated in E:\DOWN) MRIP MyFILE.BIN /P\ (files will be generated in the current drive's root) /N: Do not perform any check on generated files. Shortly means that only search patterns are checked and everything between patterns is extracted. /S: If the file is a library, MultiRipper extract only the library, and after the lib don't make other checking. Without this switch Multiripper scan the file and after the library extraction try also to make a generic extraction. /B: Batch Process, activates a search on every pattern without input, can be interrupted anytime. If at the end of the switch it's added a + (/B+) Multiripper don't perform a pause at the end of extraction. /R: Recursive scan in the batch extraction /D: Allows Redirecting to a text file (MRIP.LOG) all operations made during extractions, to keep log what's extracted and at which offset was found. If you specify /D+ (with a plus sign) also false alarms will be notified. An example may be: ЩФ Ф њ њ Ф ФЛ Г м Г мммммм ммммм м ммммм Г л л ллл л лллл л л лллл Г л л ллл лплллм л л лллл њ л л ллл л лллл л лллллп њ л л ллл л пллл л л л н н н н н ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ Source = TEST.EXE ; Destination Path = Current False alarm: Interleaved Bitmap @ 00002408 No Interleaved Bitmap Found. ( 1 false alarms ) False alarm: CompuServe GIF (87a/89a) @ 0000244A No CompuServe GIF (87a/89a) Found. ( 1 false alarm ) False alarm: 16Bits Font (80x25) @ 00038884 False alarm: 16Bits Font (80x25) @ 00038894 No 16Bits Font (80x25) Found. ( 2 false alarms ) Match found,RIP0000.F8 created: 8 Bits Font (80x50) @ 00036630 Match found,RIP0001.F8 created: 8 Bits Font (80x50) @ 00036E40 2 8 Bits Font (80x50) Found. њ њ ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ Г Total Files Extracted : 2 Г ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ Г Г ШФ Ф њ њ Ф ФМ /F: Deactivate Cache's Flush, which is done after every extraction. This function was added to avoid disk slowdowns caused when cache buffer become full after finding a pattern, especially on huge files. Works with Microsoft SmartDrive and compatibles, that are Norton Cache, Symantec SpeedCache+ and SpeedDrive... According to informations from Ralf Brown's Interrupt List there should not be incompatibilities with other types of caches; anyway the cache flush is not applied with these. /MHHHH: Size of internal memory buffer used for reading the file Minimal size 4096, max 32768 /M1000 = 4096 byte /M8000 = 32768 byte /G: Dump resource with generic information /E: Expand file before scan /HS+: Don't use generic unpacking for the exe ripping /X[FMT]: exclude FMT file format. For example /XEXE dont' extract EXE files /I[FMT]: include FMT file format. For example /IBMP extract only BMP files /L: License agreement, standard disclaimer... and registration terms! /??: Some examples You can also use response files with all the parameters. To use them call MultiRipper specifying response file with "@". EXAMPLE mrip @option.txt FILE : option.txt ----8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---- /B /S *.exe *.com *.dat @2file.txt /R ----8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---- NB '@' directive may be also included in file. This means that you can make a file that recall another file An option list is available running MRIP without parameters or with /? e /H parameters, included for compatibility (?) When you call Multiripper you'll see a picklist, with lots of predefined choices formed by: Pattern Description Extension ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ What will be Type of file Default for searched into identified by generated the file pattern files To make your choice simply move up and down with the cursor keys and tap ENTER. Obviously, for the quantity of possible choices, they can't all be shown simultaneosly on the picklist window, so paging with cursors others can appear. The last choice is "User Defined", that is: `Choose yourself what to search'. The search parameters will be asked as: Pattern: The search string Extension: Extension Used on extracted files Offset: The position (0-999999) in the header of the extracted files where will be found the search string . E.g.: Protracker modules have 'M.K.' as pattern, 'MOD' as extension and offset 1080 (0x0438) The search pattern and the offset can be entered as an hexadecimal sequence prefacing '0x'. E.g.: to search `PIPPO' you can enter `0x504950504f' . Note that some of the predefined patterns were entered this way, e.g. the PCX pattern, which starts with a Line Feed char, that cannot be written in any other way! The search is case sensitive, that is it will be influenced by Upper and lower case latters. The extraction can be interrupted anytime pressing [ESC] . At the end of any scan you will be asked if you want to continue with another search or exit to DOS, to check out the extracted files. Searching multiple patterns is now possible. Pressing [F7] will start searching with all patterns in the picklist. Pressing [F8] will start searching with all patterns from current to the last in the same group of files , bounded in the picklist by horizontal lines ("ФФФФФФФФФФФФФ") Obviously, the scan can be stopped anytime with [Esc] and you'll be asked to skip to the next pattern or stop the scan at all and go back to the picklist. During multiple scan a window will show the results for every pattern found, telling how many files are extracted and how many are false alarms. If more than one file is specified, or wildcards are used, the filename list can be scrolled with keys [+] and [-]. In this version files are NOT automatically processed yet. Starting with version 1.30 MultiRipper does some extra check on files to verify the presence of an index containing the original names and the pointers of the files composing the whole examined file. If a valid index is found you'll be asked to extract those files indicated by that index or to ignore it and then perform the selected pattern search. Normally this "Library" extraction guarentees the extraction of ALL files, also of those are not yet recognised by MultiRipper. For further informations about library structures recognised by MultiRipper please refer to LIBS.TXT file contained in the directory UTILS. Pressing [ALT-M] you will obtain an About / Info Box with informations on memory state and program version. In the archive directory UTILS there are some files: For the experts I've added XORFILE, a small utility to decrypt files otherwise "invisible" to MRIP. In the same ZIP you will find BUGDECR.EXE, a slightly modified version of XORFILE made to decrypt files extracted from BUGFIXED demo (ACME-BUG.EXE) and two batches to perform an automatic extraction. XENTVIEW is an "hack" to view and make slideshows with graphic files extracted from some games... see table in "When can I use MRIP?" In each archive there is a more detailed documentation on usage. LIBS.TXT is a documentation about library structures recognised by MRIP, which I wrote especially to not learn them all! GOOD RIPPING! њФЭўГяўЭФњ >-SoftWizard-> The Wonderful Team ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ў ФФФФЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ Frequently Asked Questions ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭФФФФ ў ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ Q) What are the shareware limitation ? A) The shareware version of Mripper rip only 3 delphi form and have a reminder screen at start and end of executable. Also new features in next releases will be available only for registered user. Q) I have ripped a Delphi Executable, but MRipper dont' write code inside the Form Methods. Why this happened ? Why MRipper don't produce the source code of the methods ? A) MRIP is a Ripper NOT a decompiler, for this reasons, at the moment, Mrip create only the structure of the source code, and not decompile the executable. We are working to make this for release 3 or release 4 of Mripper, but we are not sure to be able to make this. See next releases of Mripper for details. Q) Can MRipper decompile DCU files? A) NO, but we are working on it Q) How I can get the registered version of MRipper? A) The price, from version 2.70 it's 30 USD. Inside MRipper there is the address where send this money. Send allways with an email address where will be send the activation KEY of the product NOTE: I don't accept credit card Q) Which Language was used to write MRIP? A) MRIP is mainly written in CA-CLIPPER 5.2e, with the add of some ASM & C routines. The whole was linked with Blinker 5.1 Q) Clipper SwapWare? What does it mean? A) The term SwapWare, invented by me (Ian) in a short lapse of sanity, stays for a type of Shareware programs that can be very useful, often indispensable tools for advanced users, and for this reason good "Swapping Stuff" between friends, just as we usually do when we meet together... CA-Clipper usage is based upon our knowledge acquired at work (all TWT members are Clipper programmers in 2 SoftwareHouse) and mainly to demonstrate that this language is not only dBase-oriented, but can be flexibily adapted for every usage and situation. Q) How does MRIP work ? A) MRIP is based on the fact that almost all files have an `identifier' or `Pattern' composed by some bytes, often some significant words, at the start of file, or somewhere in the first Kbytes, and are often followed by other bytes indicating the characteristics of the file. All these bytes together form the 'header' of the file. MRIP doesn't anything than searching the pattern through the file and extracting everything encounters since the next occurrance of the pattern or the end of file. Obviously, it can happen (very often 8-) that the generated file is larger than the real dimension, but in general it's enough to load that file into the appropriate editor then resave it, restoring its original size. In the other way, it's possible that will be extracted files that have nothing to do with the file format expected ... 8-) Some file format have enough significant data so calculating the real size is possible, and the files will be truncated to the correct size. Some formats are completely recognized, also thanks to SoftWizarD. These are the formats known by MRIP that can be clipped exactly: - LBM (Interleaved Bitmap) - GIF (Graphic Interchange Format, variants 87a e 89a) - SCX (Colorix) - BMP (Windows Bitmap) - RAW (HSI Raw) - RAS (Sun Raster Bitmap) - PNG (Portable Network Graphics) - TIF (Tagged Image File Format) - PCX (ZSoft PCX 3.0) - JPG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) - TGA (Targa Uncompressed) - MTR (Arkham MasterDraw) - MPG (Motion Picture Expert Group) - FLI (Autodesk FLI/FLC animations) - 3DS (Autodesk 3D Studio Mesh) - AVI (Audio/Video Interleaved animations) - Fxx (TextMode Fonts 8/16 bits [80x50 + 80x25]) - IFF (Amiga sound files) - AIF (Apple sound files) - XMI (X-midi [Miles Design Midi]) - MOD (4-32 channels; variants: M.K.,FLT?,?CHN,??CH,CD81,OCTA) - S3M (ScreamTracker 3) - XM (FastTracker ][ module) - MED (OctaMed Amiga) - OKT (Oktalyzer Amiga) - DMF (Delusion Digital Music Format [X-Tracker]) - MDL (N-Factor DigiTrakker Module) - PLM (Psychic Link Disorder Tracker 2.0) - DSM (DSIK V2 RIFF module) - PSM (MASI PSM [Epic Megagames]) - LIQ (Liquid Tracker 1.0) - D00 (Vibrants Adlib Player) - MTR (Arkham MasterTracker) - MID (Standard Midi songs) - RMI (Windows Midi) - WAV (Windows Wave) - AU (Sun/NeXT Audio File) - CMF (Creative Labs Music file) - SAT (Surpise! Prod Adlib) - VOC (Creative Voice file) - MUS (DOOM music files) - SBK (EMU SoundFont Bank / AWE32 Bank) - PAT (GUS Patches) - RA (RealAudio) - DLZ (Diet Archives) - EXE (Standard EXE , dos image size) - EXE (EXE packers: PKLITE,LZEXE,Diet,ProPack,ComPack,WWPack,AINEXE, UCEXE,TinyProg ) - USM (USM Player v1.0) These are the filetypes that are furthermore checked but they're not clipped to the right size yet: - AMF (DSMi module by Otto Chrons) - STM (ScreamTracker 2) - ULT (Ultratracker) - FAR (Farandole Composer) - PTM (PolyTracker) - PSM (ProTracker Studio + ProTracker Studio16) - DSM (DSIK module V1) - UNI (MikMak/Unicorn Design Module (MikMod)) These files are extracted anyway and they're not furthermore checked: - RNC (Propack archive) - GPH (Megatech graphic File) - AMS (Extreme Tracker module - Velvet Studio module) - STX (STMIK 0.20) - IT (Impulse Tracker) - MTM (MultiTracker) - 669 (669 Composer) [Only Untitled] - GDM (Music & Sound Engine Module) - RAD (Reality Adlib) - AMD (Elyssis AMusic) - AMM (Renegade Audio Manager Module) - FNK (FunkTracker) - CBA (Black Artist/Heretics CBA Noise driver) - PDM (Psychic Link Disorder Tracker 1.6 (old)) - FMC (Faust Music Creator) - TRK (RamJet Ramtracker 1.0) - LIQ (Liquid Tracker 0.14с) - RTM (Real Tracker 2.01) - DTM (Digital Tracker) Q) When can I use MRIP? A) Always! Every time you find a Demo or Game with large files means only one thing: They're composed of more files joined together, and MRIP can extract them. ... if they're not crypted or compacted, so don't expect a 100% result! Since version 2.0 Multiripper it's able to extract resource from any file. This means that Multiripper it's "Virtual" able to expand any kind of resource ! However here are some examples: кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФТФФФФТФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП ГTitle: ГTypeГWhat you can find: Г УФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФХФФФФХФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФД ГWhacky Wheels ГGameГMIDI,PCX,VOC (file WHACKY.DAT) Г ГMystic Towers ГGameГMOD,PCX (file RGMYSTOZ.DAT) Г ГFrankenstein ГGameГDiet files (Expand and retry) Г ГTerminal Velocity ГGameГ6CHN MOD, WAV (Files *.POD) Г ГKnight of Xentar ГGameГGPH Г ГMetal & lace ГGameГGPH Г ГMortal Kombat ]I[ ГGameГLBM (DATA.MK3) WAV (MK3.ASG,*.FTR) Г ГNO! by Nooon ГDemoГDiet files (Expand and retry) Г ГStars by Nooon ГDemoГDiet files (Expand and retry) Г ГMegamix by Realtech ГDemoГGIF87a, AMF (file MEGAMIX.RES) Г ГDimension by Realtech ГDemoГGIF87a, AMF (file DIM.RES) Г ГHex Appeal By Cascada ГDemoГRIX,6CHN MOD Г ГHolistic by Cascada ГDemoГRIX,8CHN MOD Г ГShow by Majic 12 ГDemoГLBM,MOD Г ГPoor by Majic 12 ГDemoГLBM,MOD Г ГGo 4 the Record II by M12ГDemoГLBM,MOD Г ГFacts of Life by Witan ГDemoГSTX (file LIFE.) Г ГFishtro By Future Crew ГDemoГS3M,LBM Г ГPanic by Future Crew ГDemoГS3M Г ГUnreal by Future Crew ГDemoГS3M Г Г2nd Reality by Future C. ГDemoГS3M (unusable because crypted...) Г ГEpic by Zuul Design ГDemoГPKLITE + LZEXE (Expand and retry) Г ГContagion by Coexistence ГDemoГS3M,AMF Г ГUneatable by Coexistence ГDemoГEXE,8CHN MOD,S3M,VOC Г ГProject XYZ by Orange ГDemoГPCX Г ГX14 by Orange ГDemoГPCX,SCX Г ГVerses by EMF ГDemoГ8CHN MOD Г ГImages by Epical ГDemoГGIF, S3M (*.DAT; PART3.DAT is an S3M) Г ГDope by Complex ГDemoГProPack EXE (Expand and retry) Г ГCardiac by Infiny ГDemoГLBM,FLI,EXE (Expand and retry) Г ГLifeforms by Halcyon ГDemoГSCX (*.DAT) Г ГCatchup! by Grif ГDemoГPklite EXE Г ГLittle green men / KFMF ГDemoГGIF,PCX,3DS (LGM.KOS) Г ГPeek-a-Boo by ACME ГDemoГPTM (Cubic Player 1.4 Plays Them) Г ГOptimal Torque by Dubius ГDemoГPCX,TGA,XM,EXE Г ГDreamSteal by S!P ГDemoГMOD,EXE (espansi contengono LBM+RAW) Г ГCOCOON by S!P ГDemoГ4 FLIs! (Cheaters!) Г ГACT1 by Psychic Link ГDemoГPDM Г ГJuice by Psychic Link ГDemoГPLM Г ГAny .CPI ГDOS ГSome 16 and 8 bit font Г ГMorIcons.dll Windows 3.x ГWIN Г.ICO Г ГPBrush.exe Windows 3.x ГWIN Г.CUR .ICO .BMP Г Гmmsys.cpl Windows 95 ГWIN Г.ICO .BMP Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФСФФФФСФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй Q) What files contain a "Standard Lib" ? A) Normally on demos, and a certain LIB is used only by the original group, but others (like XLink) are realeased on Public Domain so others can use them. Some examples are: кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФТФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП ГLIB Name Г Where is found Г УФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФХФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФД Г Future Crew Lib ГUnreal,Panic,FishTro,TheParty'92 Г Г Г(Future Crew) Г Г Г Г Г Realtech Lib ГDX Project,Aquaphobia,Countdown Г Г Г(Realtech) Г Г Г Г Г Psychic Link FLIB ГAct 1, Juice Г Г Г(Psychic Link) Г Г Г Г Г ElectroMotive Force LIB ГVerses,ASM95 InvTro Г Г Г(EMF) Г Г ГCaero Г Г Г(Plant+EMF) Г Г Г Г Г The Coexistence XLink 1.0 ГContagion Г Г Г(The Coexistence) Г Г Г Г Г The Coexistence XLink 2.02 ГBabes fast intro Г Г Г(The Coexistence) Г Г ГGroove Г Г Г(Fudge) Г Г ГBlues Г Г Г(sYmptom) Г Г ГHurtless ~ Г Г Г(TFL-TDV) Г Г Г Г Г ACME Virtual FileSystem 1.0ГBUG-Fixedј , Big deal ,Peek-a-Boo Г Г Г(ACME) Г Г Г Г Г Pelusa Resource Compiler ГFake Demo Г Г Г(Pelusa/PM) Г Г Г Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФСФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй Note: ~ HURTLESS contains lotsa files with *.VT? extension, which are in effect ARJ files, and unpacking them (ARJ x *.VT?) you can obtain all demo resources. ј BUG-Fixed contains crypted files, to decrypt them use BUGDECR.EXE in UTILS directory , better use is with BUG.BTM, which automatically extracts the PTM module (Header internal to 1st EXE file , external samples) Q) I'm sure that there's a picture in the examined file but MRIP doesn't seem to find LBM,PCX,GIF, nothing! What can I DO? A) The examined file contains a picture of an unknown format or maybe RAW, that is simple bitmap not compressed, so without identifier. It is also possible that the identifier was removed or altered to avoid ripping, typical in some demos where the M.K. pattern is removed in the modules. I'm sorry but you should use another ripper 8-( I reccomend ByteRaper V4.0 for files containing RAW images. Q) It wasn't possible to support the 80x25 text resolution instead switching always to 80x50 ? A) NO! Q) On the Amiga there's another MultiRipper. It has to do anything with you? A) Ehm, No! The common name is only accidental (fantasy-less?), anyway there are no problems because: - I have never had an Amiga; - The Author was a member of a german pirate group; - There are no copyrights on the name 'Multiripper', Because also that one was Public Domain/FreeWare; - It was a simple MOD ripper, my MRIP is MORE complete! - The Amiga is DEAD, and the smartest ones migrated on PC, and I don't think someone will be angry for a such name similarity between two so different programs. ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ў ФФФФЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ Revision History ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭФФФФ ў ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г FUTURE БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў LINUX Version ў Automatic Search of EXEcutable unpacking tool ў more accurate file size check ... ў obviously, everything that will be suggested ў Support wildcards for searching extraction patterns. Eg: [0-9][0-9]CH searches all files with 00CH pattern upto 99CH pattern. This allow generic extractions of all Fastracker 1 files. ў When specifying custom patterns, it is possible to allow users to add additional conditions (programming scripts) for more accurate extractions. ў Better scan and extraction to exact size of IT files. кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.80 (June 15, 2000) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Fixed a bug in Fusion Library Extraction. ў Fixed a bug in Primitive Library Extraction. ў Fixed a bug in Fusion Library Extraction. ўNewў CRYO library кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.70 (September 16, 1999) БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Documentation update ўNewў New Japotek JPK Lib, found in "The Eternal Game" TRiP '999 New LABN library ўNew formatsў ; Japanese Hentai Games, use Susie or Grapholic to convert. 0x47430002=Cobra Mission CG,CG,0 .8Bit=Active Soft ED8 image,ED8,0 ; -- STANDARD MODULES -- ; S3M Variant saved with Impulse Tracker 2.xx ; Found in UNREAL (Game) and some intro. ; Will be cut to right size due to known extension. (Lucky!) 0x3202005343524D=S3M saved by IT2.xx,S3M,41 ; --- EXOTIC MODULES --- ;MXM by Pascal^Doj/Cubic, use OpenCP 2.5.1 to play 0x4d584d00=Tiny GUS XM player,MXM,0 ;Amiga packed module, convertible to ProTracker MOD with Pro-Wizard (Amiga) 0x534e54210000=Prorunner 2.0 (Amiga),PRO,0 ; ---- PACKED FILES ---- ; Some demos on Amiga have these files INSIDE a whole big file, ; and ProWizard cannot see them. Extract'em and then back to UAE to rip'em. S404=StoneCracker 4.04 (Amiga),S40,0 CrM2=Crunchmania (Amiga),CRM,0 ўNewў 4 new ripper GP4VIEW.RAR : GP4 viewer and SILKYRIP for: DragonKight 4 Crescent Sisters in Love (Ai Shimai) Fermion Kawa family (Kawarazakike no Ichizoku) Isle (Ushinawareta Rakuen) Moebius Roid NOCTIL_X.RAR: Nocturnal Illusion - DAT exploder CMCGVIEW.RAR: Cobra mission - 4DOS bat + EXE patch L3VIEW.RAR : Seishojo Sentai Lakers 3 - 4DOS bat кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.60 (December 30, 1998) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Documentation update ўNEWў Add the optimized scan of the exe if the windows exe scanning don't return any resource file. Att the possibility to see the extracted file after a library ripping Some FIX. The exe is now packed. Add ByteRaper 4000. Thanks Maciek Drejak. Add some news INI parameters. Support for C++ builder executables ўASM98ў Add some new library after ASSEMBLY 98 ў (B)ZIP used in the demo Sexadelic (ASM98) ў FUSION used in the demo FUSION (ASM98) ў PRIMITIVE used in the demo PRIMITIVE (ASM98) ў TOUR used in the demo TOUR e Vague Space (ASM98) ў ANONYMOUS used in the demo ANONYMOUS (ASM98) ўREMEDU98ў Some new library add for ASM98 extract some DAT file of the demo of REMEDU 98 ўSE98ў Add some new library after Summer Encounter 98 ў BAZAR used in the demo BAZAR (SE98) ў LOUIS used in the demo LOUIS LANE (SE98) ўFIXў Fixed some errors with Windows extractions. Fixed some errors with Delphi extractions. кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.50 (February 17, 1998) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Documentation update ўNEWў Coyote file library Delphi 2/3 Executable Decompiler. Now MultiRipper is able to decompile Delphi Executables end create a valid delphi project to open with Delphi for recreate the executable. кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.40 (September 27, 1997) БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ўNEWў Now, BAV, another TWT release was incorporated in MRipper. BAV is a Binary Ansi Viewer and Ripper. Press SHIFT + F9 to try it. F10 key in all the rippers to change the current file. Frost installer decompression. Added "S" key to skip scanning of a particular type of file. ўFIXў An error during extraction of a truncated executable 8-< кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.30 (September 2, 1997) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ўNew Libў Quake MAP Chasm LIB ўNewў - MMC Music Module Compressor кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.20 (June 10, 1997) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ўFixў More accurated error system. Faster on startup. Little bug on recoursive scan. ўADDў Added the possibility to get the xor value from the XOR Table. Added some new INI and Command line switches. ўNewў - DTM (Digital Tracker) кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.10 (May 5, 1997) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ўNew (Clipped to the Exact size)ў - USM: USM Player v1.0 ўNew Powerfull HackStop Unpack Algoritmў MultiRipper now can rip resource from executables compressed and protected with HackStop !! ўNew Powerfull Unpack Algoritmў Now is possible to inform Multi Ripper how is made a compressed EXE and how to unpack it. This way MultiRipper automatically decompress EXEs before ripping. ўNew Linking Modeў Now MultiRipper is a DosExtender 286 program Tell me if there are problems ўNew Resource Formatў Now multiripper is able to recognize new resource formats - Generic WAVE - CAB File - MS Compress File ўNew Generic Resource Dumperў Now You can dump an UNKNOWN resource ўAddў New FAST scan mode : in some circumstances over 7 times faster than old global scan, but with the same number of file extracted Optimized resource scanner. Now the search of resource is immediate !! Enabled the wildcard in the batch extraction Enabled the recursion in the batch extraction ўFixў Problem with verbose output Problem with windows executable with bad resource information Problem with icon extraction Problem with WIN16 resource extraction кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.01 (April 22, 1997) БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ўAddў A new module for HexViewing the current file. The possibility to set a XOR pattern to decrypt the file while searching patterns and ripping. ўNew (Sucker Support)ў - RTM (Real Tracker 2.01) - Deathstar CLAUDIA DEMO ўFixў Fix some problems on string resource extraction кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 2.00 (March 28, 1997) БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй + Mrip now is a Windows resource decompiler !! ў Add a module to decompile all the resource of WIN16/WIN32 executables Resource detected and decompiled in WIN16 executable - RT_MENU : Menu resource - RT_STRING : String resource - RT_ACCELERATOR : Accelerator resource - RT_ICON : Icon resource Resolution ripped : 64x64x2, 64x64x8, 64x64x16, 64x64x256 32x32x2, 32x32x8, 32x32x16, 32x32x256 32x16x2, 32x16x8, 32x16x16, 32x16x256 - RT_BITMAP : Bitmap resource - RT_CURSOR : Cursor resource Risorse volutamente saltate - RT_GROUP_ICON : Groups of icon - RT_GROUP_CURSOR : Groups of cursor Under Working - RT_DIALOG - RT_FONTDIR - RT_FONT - RT_RCDATA - NAMETABLE - RT_VERSION Other information - Some information about new executables Resource detected and decompiled in WIN32 executable ў Recognize and extract the current type of executables: NE, LE, LX, W3, PE ў Known extension : .EXE .DLL .VBX .SCR .CPL .DRV .VXD and .OCX - add HPM pattern - add Iguana Lib (Exe + Dat) - add Japotek Lib (EXE) - add 3D Realms Lib GRP (Duke Nukem) - add Digital Underground DfMAKE Lib - add CHAMP programming Library (Softwizard) ўBugfixesў - some ... 8-> кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 1.30 (March 27, 1996) БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ўNew (Clipped to the Exact size)ў - SBK: Emu SoundFont Bank / AWE 32 Bank - DSM: RIFF Digital Sound Mod - MDL: N-Factor Digitrakker - PLM: Psychic Link Disorder Tracker 2.0 (new) - FNK: FunkTracker 1.8 - PSM: MASI PSM/Epic Megagames Modules (not Protracker studio!) - LIQ: Liquid Tracker (v0.9 e v1.0) - F16/F8: TextMode Fonts (Routine by Softwizard) - RA : RealAudio ўRevisited + Clipped to the Exact sizeў - PAT: Clipped to the Exact size - DLZ: Clipped to the Exact size - SAT: Clipped to the Exact size; ALL revisions from 1 to 9 (SAdT 2.0) - IFF: Separated AIF (Apple) and IFF (Amiga) ўNew (Sucker Support)ў - AMS: Velvet Studio Module 2.2 - RAD: Reality adlib - AMD: Elyssis AMusic - AMM: Audio Manager Module - CBA: Chuck Biscuit+Black Artist/Heretics CBA Noise driver - UNI: MikMak/Unicorn Design Module (MikMod) - PDM: Psychic Link Disorder Tracker 1.6 (old) - LIQ: Liquid Tracker (v0.14с) - FMC: Faust Music Creator - TRK: RamJet Ramtracker 1.0 ўFixў - BMP: Some BMP extracted to 0 bytes... Routine fixed by SoftWizard Better ceck and extraction (hope definitively!) - MMD: some MMD were not extracted - XM : XMs generated by Digitrakker/N-Factor were not recognised - TGA: some TGA 24bit were not extracted to the correct size ўChangesў - Automatic extraction standard libs: 1) Future Crew Lib 2) Realtech Lib (EXE) 2a) Realtech Lib (DAT) 3) Psychic Link FLIB 4) ElectroMotive Force LIB 5) The Coexistence XLink 2.02 6) The Coexistence XLink 1.0 7) Pelusa Resource Compiler 0.1с 8) ACME Virtual File System 1.0с 9) LucasArts GOB files 10) iD Software WAD files 11) Cascada Resource file - Added log file activated by /D and /D+ switches - Separated Midi/adlib files from digital files - Sorted MODs in picklist so Mods with complete support came for first then those with "Sucker" support ,starting with STM 2.0 - Removed completely useless Informations about available memory... - New Ending Logo , Make-up fonts ... they look better!... 8-) кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 1.30с2 (January 16,1996) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Added some check routines: - TGA: Added pattern and Clipped at the right offset For now only Uncompressed ones, but extraction is accurate. Note that 2 patterns are neccessary to distinguish 256 cols from truecolor (16/24/32 bits) TGAs. Unluckily lots of false positives can occour, as the patterns are too generic... - AU: Added pattern and Clipped at the right offset - GDM: Added pattern - IT : Added pattern - PSM: Added pattern - GPH: Added pattern . Are present in Megatech's Manga games. Use XentView to view them! - MTR: Added MasterTracker & MasterDraw (either with MTR extension) and clipped at the right offset. ў Corrected some check routines: - PCX: Corrected a buggy check that prevented extraction of some valid PCX - FLC: Corrected a buggy check that prevented extraction of some valid FLC - MOD: Corrected a buggy check that prevented extraction of some valid MOD (eg. 8CHN module in "Airframe" intro by Prime was not extracted!) + Added 2 utilities: XORFILE and XENTVIEW кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 1.30с1 (September 19,1995) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Corrected and added some check routines: - XM : Clipped at the right offset. The modules causing me problems were not wrong, it was my fault I hadn't tracked the structure right. I finished writing the XM's Check routine on August 12, only 2 days after release 1.20... too bad! - CMF: Clipped at the right offset. Some CMF have an 0xFF after terminator But they play correctly if missing... and since I have no dox about this I'll safely leave it. - VOC: Corrected Bug that prevented recognizing of some VOC. In VOC version 1.20 is present an undocumented Chunk , marked with number 9, but seems equivalent to Chunk #2... If someone's got the VOC 1.20 specifications is warmly pleased to send them in... Thanx! - ULT: Validity check limited to revision number (from 1 to 4) - FAR: Validity check limited to revision number (1.0) & some fixed bytes. - PTM: Validity check limited to revision number (2.03) & some fixed bytes. - PSM: Validity check limited to revision number (0) & some fixed bytes. - DSM: Validity check limited to number of Channels (4,8,16,32) - RAS: Added pattern and clipped at the right offset. Mostly similar to Colorix files (SCX), with the addition of an RLE compression. - GIF: Clipped at the right offset. Decoder extracted from C sources of 2OBJ by Mark Thomas/N.P.S. Software and converted for Clipper. - PCX: Clipped at the right offset. Decoder extracted from C sources of 2OBJ by Mark Thomas/N.P.S. Software and converted for Clipper. - JPG: Clipped at the right offset. Murphy's Law has never been true like with JPEGs: "When something can go wrong, it will do in the worst way!". While writing the scanner, thinking that ALL chunks had the length field I realized the Data Stream (the Chunk occupying more than 95% of the whole file) HASN'T got one 8-( making necessary to write a JPEG Decoder. QPEG, which is the fastest around, takes a little while to display a JPEG... Think about if I'll make it! I've worked around this problem searching ONLY the terminator 8-) If I can't find it, I WON'T consider the file as valid. >8-P - MPG: Added pattern and clipped at the right offset. The same as JPEGs goes here! - 3DS: Added pattern and clipped at the right offset. ў Implemented Terminator Scanner for files like JPG e CMF, pratically a little MRIP inside MRIP... ў If examining little files, that cannot contain the pattern because offset is greater than file length, a message can appear, interrupting batch and multiple search. Now appears only in single pattern search. ў Key [F7] (All Pattern Search) was not sensed if positioned on `User Defined' selection. Fixed. ў If the examined file is a whole file now it is displayed also on the scan results window with a message like: ` ... REFLECTER.XM is a whole FastTracker ][ module ' ў Added total files extracted at scan end. If nothing was found there is no more another wait for keypress (It's meaningless to see a window full of false alarms or in the worst case completely empty!) ў Removed CPU detection... someone did not liked it! 8-) ў Added a little About / Info Box on [Alt-M] ў aesthetic tune-ups: - Added initial animated Logo (interruptable) 100% Original ANSi Font ! (VGA Font model: oOto/Avalanche) - Random Font , two fonts available - Random Layout , Original (Blue PickList) e VB-Like (Grey Picklist) - Tweaked 80x50 mode, for a better connection between graphic chars. In normal 80x25 & 80x50 modes these chars ВВВБББААА are separated making a blocky effect... With this special setting they're visible like a unique continuous stream... easier to see than explaining! кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г Mrip 1.20 (August 10,1995) БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Corrected and added some check routines: - FLI: Added Patterns and checks for Autodesk's animations FLI (320x200) e FLC (any size)... Lots of check performed to avoid false positives but I'm not assuring (as usual) the perfection! - LBM: Added check for `ANNO' (Annotation) chunk , if it was found before `BMHD' (Bitmap Header) chunk the LBM was not extracted... - DSM: Wrong description, they're not `Delusion Module' (Delusion are the X-Tracker's Programers) but `Digital Sound Module' , from Digital Sound Interface Kit (DSIK)... they're very rare, though. - TIF: Added pattern and clipped at the right offset. I knew this was a complex format, but I thought worse!! Please note that some conversion programs ,like GDS 3.1f and CSHOW 9.03, don't create standard TIFFs, so they're not (yet) extractable. Image Alchemy and GWS 7.x instead create perfect TIFFs according to TIFF 5.0 specs. - PNG: Added pattern and clipped at the right offset. (Chunk scanner) I'm looking for souces (not Dox!) for Reading/Writing/Displaying this new format, since I have only CSHOW 9.03 and it's veeery slow! - DMF: Clipped at the right offset. (Chunk scanner) - OKT: Clipped at the right offset. (Chunk scanner) - MID: Clipped at the right offset. (Chunk scanner) - VOC: Eliminated some false positives checking the header and Clipped at the right offset. (Chunk scanner) - S3M: Clipped at the right offset... finally! Extract correctly S3Ms with Adlib instruments, too. Structure slightly complex... WORDs here are sometimes Big-endian and sometimes Little-endian, sometimes they're absolute offsets and sometimes relative segments... Luckyly I've succeded in understanding the official doc, it contains a couple of mistakes! - PTM: Added Pattern. - PSM: Added Pattern. - MED: Removed type 2; according to an official doc it was never released an Octamed version that writes MED with signature 'MMD2'. - JPG: Added Pattern. - AVI: Added pattern and clipped at the right offset. Lots of CD-Roms are filled with these! - STM: Patterns grouped in one and added check of valid types. 2 scans to search the 2 STM types seemed excessive to me. - GIF: Patterns grouped in one and added check of valid types. Same as STMs. - EXE: Bugfix: Some EXE were extracted as 0 bytes flies (oops!) and some others were skipped because they contained the 'MZ' pattern. I think it won't happen anymore... Added patterns for Diet,WWPack,AINEXE,ComPack,UCEXE,TinyProg - XM : HELP! I'm working on them, but the official dox are not explained very well... (see S3M). A couple of module with multi-sample instruments don't seem to follow correctly the structure, so I have to drop XM complete support for now, and maybe include it in next release. ў Implemented Chunk scanner for files with Chunked structure, with every chunk of known length or derivable like PNGs,DMFs,MIDs,OKTs etc. ... I'm still waiting for Softwizard's Routine to Scan files with chunks ... delimited by terminators. (i.e. GIF) ў Better Commandline check... Variable position parameters and support for multiple filenames and wildcards. ў Added keys "+" e "-" to switch between specified files in case of multiple filenames and wildcards. ў Cache flushed at the end of every extraction , and can be disabled,altough. ў Displaying of totals for every type of file during scan. ў Added False alarms counter (A pattern was found but after checking the file seems invalid) ў Definitively removed Status message 'Flash' when invalid files are found. Now the 'Match Found' message appears only AFTER file is extracted, length and validity checked. ў Fixed problem with mode 80x50 setting: running MRIP from any 132 column mode, sometimes a mode 40x50 was set. Tested on TSENG and Cirrus 542x SVGAs, now works properly. ў Corrected bug in User defined Offset prompt, now hex notation works ў Optimized variables/arrays, to save some memory ў Removed 4 random font and substituted by only 1, 6Kb saved! ў minor changes кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г MRIP 1.11 (June 14,1995) БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Corrected and added some check routines: - PCX: Checked minimum header (128 bytes) and removed a buggy check that prevented extraction of some valid PCX - RAW: Added Pattern , correct file size clipping. - MUS: Clipped at the right offset! Now you can really extract MUS from DOOM add-on wads (and convert them correctly with MUS2MIDI) without extra data ath the end... - XMI: Clipped at the right offset. - WAV: Corrected pattern and HUGE mistake in size calc. (22 bytes larger) For this reason some (ok,ok! pratically all...) were not extracted! - RMI: Same as WAV, because the same check is applied... - IFF: Added pattern and check for Amiga IFF samples - AMS: Corrected pattern and extension (it was X3M, now it's AMS) - D00: Corrected Pattern and clipped to the right size. The PlayDriver size cannot be calculated, so it must be ripped manually. Anyway I found the drivers v3.03 and v4.00, if you're interested, contact me. - STX: Changed description. I have put 'ScreamTracker X', this was a intermediate format between STM and S3M, released by PSI/FC in the ScreamTracker Music Interface Kit 0.20 (STMIK), and even if the author advised to not support it , was used in lots of demos, like Facts of life/WITAN, Vanity & Apathy/Doomsday Prod. - MED: Amiga OctaMed Modules, added pattern and clipped at the right offset. False positives eliminated with version check: 0,1 or 2 I'm not sure about MED2, and also MED1 are rare...) - MOD: Changed description from `FT1/Taketracker' to `FastTracker Mod.' for the simple reason that seemed bad to me... Anyway FastTracker can generate 32 channels mods (32CH), TakeTracker 'only' 16. Added CD81 (Atari Falcon/STe) and OCTA (OcataComposer?) variants, I'm not sure but they might have the same structure as 8CHN... Let me know or send me some module of this type! 8-) Notice that I have limited to only few `xxCH' patterns but if you need some more (E.g. `28CH') there's always the User defined one, in which you may specify 1080 as offset. ў Added `All patterns' search. Pressing [F7] or [F8] will start scanning all patterns. ў Corrected end of extraction message: - if a pattern was found but the file was not correct, then not really extracted, the message always said the search was positive. Fixed. - if valid files are found, their number will be shown ('2 PCX 3.0 Found.') ў Added parameter: Extraction Path, useful when examining files on CD-ROM. ў Random Fonts... idea started from Turbo Chainer, also from TWT 8-9 ў `User defined' input field were reset every time you selected it, now the previous contents can be edited. ў If the source file is actually a whole file (e.g. extract PCX from a PCX) so the extracted file is the same as the source you'll be warned and asked if you want to remove it... It is applied only in single pattern search and if the file can be clipped to the correct size, because it is safe to retain files of which length cannot be calculated... but can be clipped by an editor! In Multiple patterns search it will be always deleted. кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г MRIP 1.10 (May 15,1995) ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Corrected some patterns and sorted the list by file type - 669 modules: It isn't possible extract 669s with title because the 2 bytes pattern can be found in the middle of the module, causing an erroneous truncation... Instead are extractable 669s without title (with spaces...) - RNC (Propack EXE): Now MRIP can find more of them , but can be confused with the Propack Archives, because the same pattern... - PCX: Merged two patterns in one, having added the version control. - SAT: Pattern more accurate (Compressed SAT) - MID: Pattern more accurate ў Added 'Fixing' of the generated files (truncating at the right offset) and checking if file is a suitable format. - LBM: Truncated at the right offset and eliminated false positives - MOD: Eliminated files in which are found strings like: `M.K.FLT46CHN8CHNSCRM', which is found on the players routine. Calculation of real size more difficult than i had expected: (channels*patterns*256)+samples+header... tested up to 32CHN -> OK! I'm sure it's not possible a number of positions > 128, so if I encounter a higher value than 128 this is not a module! Tell me what do you think about that... - AMF: Checked version between 0x09 and 0x10 (Current version is 0x0e from DMP 3.0 but there's surely more to come...) - PCX: Checked version and bits per plane. More info needed... - BMP: Truncated at the right offset and eliminated false positives. Some BMPs could not have a right value in the 'size' field. In this case the right size will be calculated basing on the image dimensions and the number of bits. - SCX: Truncated at the right offset and eliminated false positives. I only recognize 256 and 16 color SCX (less than 16 colours images are stored always as 16 colours...) - WAV: Truncated at the right offset and eliminated false positives. - RMI: Truncated at the right offset and eliminated false positives. - CMF: Only Version check (1.0 or 1.1, I don't know any other) - EXE: Right size based on 'DOS Image size' field, calculated in 512 bytes pages + bytes on the last page. Doesn't extract if : * Number of pages > 0x4ff (EXE larger than 640 KB are impossible) * bytes on the last page > 0x1ff MRIP can also be used to remove overlay data from EXE files! Some of the checking routines were written by SoftWizarD. ў Changed behaviour of file generator counter. If different file types were generated they were called: RIP0000.LBM RIP0001.LBM RIP0002.MOD RIP0003.MOD RIP0004.GIF ........... Now all files are generated starting from RIP0000.XXX RIP0000.LBM RIP0001.LBM RIP0000.MOD RIP0001.MOD RIP0000.GIF ........... ў The picklist cursor used to return at top of list after every choose. Now stays on the last choiche made. Note to SoftWizarD: The are also Static Variables... >8-)№№) ў Alternative font ў tried to correct `bugs' on the documentation... (Sorry 4 my bad English!) кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г MRIP 1.00 (May 1,1995) MAYDAY! БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў Initial release, after various bugfixes. кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г MRIP 0.01 (April,1995) БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй ў First internal release. FORM (ILBM) extraction. MRIP mainly has been born because I needed to extract easily all pictures from -SHOW- and -POOR- by Majic 12, and from then it has started. ў Added Offset check,that makes possible extraction of files whose pattern is not at the start of the file but at a specific offset. (Thanx 2 SoftWizarD, I'd never implemented it without his advice.) ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ў ФФФФЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ Greetings ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭФФФФ ў ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ My Personal greeting go to: ў Michele Catania for the advices and the allmighty WCOMP. ў Maciek Drejak, Author of ByteRaper 2000, one of the best rippers (I'm looking for an upgrade for 640x480 mode!) ў SEN, Author of HIEW , the hex editor most used by T(/\)T members. ў nuText Systems, Authors of Aurora Editor 2.1a, without whom nor Multiripper neither the text you are reading could be less gladly written... ў Mark Thomas, Author of 2OBJ 1.10 (from which sources I've extracted the precious GIF & PCX decoders) and MegaDebugger 1.0, a well done debugger which was useful when others (Gametools e TurboDebugger for instance) failed... ў Jacob Poon <a324poon@cdf.toronto.edu> for all the suggestions ў Akira Kale <A.Kale@t-online.de> for all the suggestions ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ў ФФФФЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ Author ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭФФФФ ў ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г ББ For any question about Multi Ripper Write Me ББ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй Peruch Emiliano Baccan Matteo peruch@softway.it baccan@infomedia.it